Who we are
We are an independent catholic missionary community in the city of Norwalk.
Our Bishops, priests and religious have received their formation in seminaries (some Roman) and others in private seminaries that belong to our Diocese. We are under the care of Most Reverend John A. Rinaldi, Bishop and Rev. Fermin Melchor-Vazquez, Parish Priest.
Our goal is to become as the Lord stated "A house of prayer for all peoples". This church was consecrated during the
month of October 2014 under the intersession of St. Jude, Patron Saint of desperate and lost causes.
We are here to serve the people of God.
Our doors are open to all persons who wish to strenghen their faith and grow in communion with the church. As a principle we do not judge or impose guilt or concience, on the contrary we want to help you establish a relationship with God and to develop your own concience in accordance with that relationship.
If you have ever felt rejected or jurt by the church, our ministry is here to help you in spritual walk.
We follow God's command of loving unconditionally. We try to live by the rule of "judge not, yet yee be judged". If you have ever been denied a sacrament for cirucumstances beyond your control such as Divorce or not being able to Marry, here you are always welcome.
If your are a devotee of Saint Jude, we invite you to honor him, on the 28th of each month with a special mass at 7:00 PM